Thursday, August 31, 2006

This Summer (DSP Prompt 8/31)

Okay, I know it's not officially the last day of summer, but (in the US) after this coming holiday weekend, all kids will be back in school. So, what did you get out of summer this year? Did you learn anything? Do anything new? Wrap it up for us!

Well, my summer wasn't actually that great. I was busy enough and there were some great moments (like Musical Theatre Camp, for example), but what will always characterize this summer is the fact that I lost a baby on June 12...

It was so surreal. I had my cycle in April and then, right on schedule, my monthly visitor in May, but I kept feeling bad and was having some pretty severe cramping and small bits of spotting. I thought I had a cyst or something, so I went to the doc, and he told me I was pregnant. I was two weeks out from AF, so I didn't think it was possible, but apparently AF doesn't always mean you aren't pregnant (which is a terrible thing to someone who has IF problems, because now I can't even count on that to mean anything, ya know?)...

Anyway, I knew from the beginning that it was not a viable pregnancy. And so one week later, at 7 weeks pregnant, I lost my baby.

That is what I will remember about this summer. But I will also remember how great my DH was and how great my friends were--Trish was at my house when I found out for sure that I was going to miscarry, and she cried with me. I will remember what it felt like to know that my baby was in heaven, and the strange peace I felt about that. And I will remain thankful that I was able to take the Eucharist while I was still pregnant and that my favorite priest was able to say a blessing on my family of 5, even if we were only a family of 5 for a very short time...

So, this summer has changed me.


Glynis said...

I'm so sorry...but your journaling here is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.

loonyhiker said...

I know it must have been hard for you to share this with us. Thank you so much for letting us share your pain. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

Your little guardian angel is with you still, overlooking your daily life, touching you in a special way.