Friday, January 19, 2007

did i mention i am addicted to "law & order?

i am addicted to "law & order" shows. they come on everyday on TNT, and i watch them while i have my hour or two to scrap. i mean, i have seen so many now that i can usually tell what episode it is before the second "bum bump"! and so i watch them for the second or third time. but at least they make me think a little bit...i was flipping through the stations and caught a bit of tyra banks talk show. how in the world do people watch that? it was painful to me. i mean, painful. so i thank God for reruns of "law & order"!

it is quiet earlier than it usually is. evie catherine fell asleep in the car, and she actually stayed asleep when i got her out. i was able to take off her shoes and everything! she must have been exhausted!!! cater is watching "spongebob" and eating a banana and pringles (he has to eat the fruit before he gets potato chips). and once again my house is a mess, but i am on the computer instead of cleaning. i will clean this afternoon, though! i will. really. but i like the few minutes of peace..

okay, i need to vent a second about potty training. cater was potty trained in 36 hours, literally. i knew he was ready because he had all of those typical readiness signs. so he woke up on a monday and i told him, "today is a very special day. today you are going to wear big boy underwear and put all your peepee and poopy in the potty." he, of course, peed through 6 pairs of underwear. the next morning when he woke up, i told him, "today is a very special day...." at 10am he went into the bathroom, told me, "mommy, weave me awone!" and shut the door. about three minutes later he stuck his head out and said proudly, "mommy, i made a BIG poopy in the potty!" and he had. and that was basically it. he never had a poopy accident, and he had very very few peepee accidents. he was 30 months old--so right at 2 1/2.

evie catherine is 28 months old, and we are trying to work towards it, but she just doesn't seem to get it. she can tell us as she is pooping or peeing, but she will sit on the potty for 10 minutes, get up, and peepee 2 minutes later and then look down and say, "uhoh! i peepeeing." i don't know. she is very verbal, and she understands almost everything you tell her. and she is a girl--everyone told me, "girls potty train earlier than boys and second children potty train more quickly than the first." she is going to prove everyone wrong. we are working on it because she wants to wear panties. but i wonder if she is physically developed enough to do this right now...i am going to get some thick training pants with plastic covers and maybe even dig out my old cloth diapers...maybe if she could feel it? i know i just need to be patient.

i have to show off my latest layout:

i used lena brandenburg's "booboo basics" word art (available at ACOT), faith true's "arthur's bug day" (papers and elements available at OAKS), and rachael giallongo's layout template from "duplicates--silly one" by rg and heather roselli (available at TDC).

i am off to scrap!!! have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow What a beautiful layout! Poor little guy but he looks so brave.

Lena Brandenburg said...

Katrina's right...he does look brave! And no, I didn't know that you were addiction to Law&Order....just documentaries about psychic vampires ;) LMBO!!!

Unknown said...

OMG I LOVE Law and Order too! Me and dh watch re-runs every chance we get and I just can't seem to get enough of it!! As for the potty training, just give her 1st son was extremly hard to train and I tried from 2 till he was 3 with no luck. The second I stopped trying, he just did it on his own. I think a lot of it has to do with their personalities. Good luck with it and hope you don't get too stressed!!

Rachel said...

Fellow lover of L&O here

I can also sympathize with potty training woes. I hjave 4 children, 2 are potty trained, and my next in line is 32 months old, with absolutely NO inkling of being ready to potty older 2,a boy and a girl, both sort opf self trained about 2-3 weeks after Igave up trying! So my advice to other moms is always, "it'll happen, don't stress over it..."

Penny said...

I'm a Law and Order addict as well! Love all of them! Isn't Potty Training frustrating...I'm going through it right now with my youngest.