Sunday, January 14, 2007

early morning musings...

it is 7:17am on sunday morning, and i have already been up longer than i care to think about....kevin is hiking in the smokies, and he won't be back till tomorrow night. so it is just me, and evie catherine has become a super early riser. it would probably help if i wasn't on the computer till late at night, although last night i did go to bed before 11pm.

i woke up to an clean house this morning. it was bliss. truly. yesterday i dusted, vacuumed, cleaned my kitchen, swiffered all the floors, cleaned the bathrooms, and did laundry. i still have a bit of laundry to finish, but it felt so good walking through the house this morning.

it especially helps to have a clean house because i have a cold. i have had a sore throat for days and yesterday i got super congested. i feel like it is nice that i don't have that "i am sick but i need to clean the house" thing going on today--because i already cleaned the house! :)

evie catherine just looked at me and said with glee, "i'm making a mess!" she is taking all the dvds out of the cabinet, and i am just letting her. nothing that can't be picked up easily, and she is happy and occupied! she is so growing up so fast, and i am so aware with her of the passage of that time. with cater, i always had this assumption when he went through any stage that this as only the first child i would have and so i would see whatever it was many many more times. not that i didn't enjoy him, because i did, but i was so young and didn't realize how precious and fleeting it all is. we struggled to have evie catherine, and now after losing the baby this summer, i am just so acutely aware of how short it all is...i want another baby, but evie catherine may well be my last baby. only God knows his plans for me, and i am trying so much to enjoy what i already have.

i am so excited because my friend trish is going to tell me how to change the look of my blog this afternoon! i am going to make a header for it today! so keep checking back because i hope to have something pretty soon!

have a good day!


Lena Brandenburg said...

oooh, I can't wait to see the new blog :)

I love to let kids get into things that can't hurt them... (well, sometimes...depends on my mood, too). I let Nathan jump on the bed LOL.

I also love a clean house. Mine will be that way today. ;)

Stephanie said...

My house is a disaster, and here I am, just sitting on my behind again. Oh well. I don't feel like doing anything really!! And I know how it feels to want another baby.