Thursday, January 18, 2007

my memaw...

my memaw fell this morning. and the ambulance had to come and get her because my mother couldn't get her up. my mother just called to let me know that in spite of memaw's severe osteoporosis, she only has a small fracture in her arm. a miracle, as far as i am concerned. but it scared me. my memaw is 87, and i know that a bad fall can be the thing that puts her on the downward spiral...and my memaw is the person who kept me grounded during a turbulent childhood. her influence, i think, is the thing that helped me to be healthy and (fairly) normal. my mother and i are very very different, but my memaw and i are sympatico. she understands me, and i adore her! here is a pic of her and me together this past september:

isn't she gorgeous? she is even more beautiful on the inside! if you can, say a prayer for her. i am selfish, but i want her around a bit longer!

another big development in my house is that CATER IS READING!!! look at this sweet pic:

he read a book called "max" to his daddy last night, and i was so happy to watch the two of them. he is such a boy, so it is a struggle to get him to sit still and do "school stuff", but he has made such amazing progress! i am one proud mommy today.

ebay update: bids on 23 of my 41 auctions, and i am up to over $200!!!

hope you all have a great day!


Pea in a Pod said...

Ohhh..I pray that your Gradma will be alright! Hugs to you and her..She is soo Beautiful and I'm sure everything will fine.

And its great that your DS is reading:) It's really a good thing. Isn't it? Mine is practicing and hopefully when the right time..He's only 4.5 though:)

Have a great day!

Juzahlyn said...

aww I hope your grandma gets well soon. She is beautiful what a lovely photo. And your DS is reading thats so nice.. I will have to start teaching my girls too..have a nice day!!

~*Jennifer*~ said...

I'm glad your grandmother didn't have a serious injury. That happened to my DH's grandmother and it just got worse from there. :(

Congrats on your son reading! I hope my daughter will be reading soon as she starts school in September. :)

Melanie said...

Awww...what a gorgeous pic of the 2 of you! We called my grandma "Meemaw" when she was alive too. (Spelled it Mema though!) I don't hear that very often, so it made my heart jump a little when I read it. I'll be praying for her!

What a great pic of your DS reading too! I sense a LO in the works... ;)

Happy Thursday!!!

Stephanie said...

Your poor grandma! I hope she's doing OK! I will pray for her. I'm glad you had a good role model like her during your childhood. (((hugs)))