Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'll sleep well tonight because...(DSP Prompt 10/1)

First things first: Sorry I've been AWOL for a while. I just needed some time to get myself together. I had to grade a bunch of papers and catch up on some things!

Now, on to the prompt:

I'll sleep well tonight because I am going to take a decongestant to try to get rid of all the crud in the back of my throat!

No, really, I will sleep well tonight because my kitchen is clean, my children are tucked safely into bed, my husband & I are on the same page about trying to conceive a third child (for us to be on the same page is a tremendous relief to me), and I am healthy. I am blessed that things are relatively calm right now, and I will rest well because of it!

Hope you all sleep well, too!


Unknown said...

Sweet dreams.

Glynis said...

Great great reasons to sleep well.